Tuesday, 9 December 2014

Human rights

Hi!I'm uploading these videos so that you are aware of how lucky you are, apart from being Human Rights Day.

Friday, 31 October 2014

I know you aren't very keen on reading but I could have a solution to that!

Everybody knows that you learn by doing, so if you have problems with your listening skills, here you can find some links to help you out with that task. I'm afraid you won't be able to see the text and listen to it at the same time, you'll just find the recordings. Well, don't worry, "your reader" does the job very well, reading very slowly and pronouncing the words correctly. Enjoy!

The Picture of Dorian Gray

 Romeo and Juliet 

Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde

Oliver Twist

Oscar Wilde ( short stories)

Great Expectations

Thursday, 30 October 2014

Natural disasters

Since unit 2 is about "natural disasters" ( I wrote it using inverted commas because some disasters are , unfortunately, caused by us- the human race), let's start with these beautiful songs sung by Michael Jackson.

Tuesday, 25 March 2014


If you want to practice a bit more for the B1 or B2, visit the blog we have for Proyecto Integrado.

Please, if you have any doubt about the different papers, let me know ( I can give you a hand although I'm not your "official" teacher).


