Wednesday, 21 November 2012


Cambridge English: Preliminary for Schools Speaking Description

  Paper Format: The paper contains four parts.

  Timing: 10–12 minutes per pair of candidates.

  Task Types: Short exchanges with the interlocutor; a collaborative task involving both candidates; a 1-minute long turn and a follow up discussion. The standard format is two candidates and two examiners. One examiner acts as an interlocutor and manages the interaction by asking questions and setting up the tasks. The other acts as assessor and does not join in the conversation.

  Marks: Candidates are assessed on their performance throughout the test. There are a total of 25 marks for Paper 3, making 25% of the total score for the whole examination.

 Part 1 - Questioning by interlocutor

 Part 2 - Simulated situation

 Part 3 - Extended turn

 Part 4 - General conversation

And now that we know the different parts...let's have a look at some tests, shall we?


Wednesday, 7 November 2012

Amanda Todd

Every week I show you some videos or pieces of interesting  news I've read/seen on the internet. The video you're about to watch is quite shocking. I've been thinking about showing it to you or not, because I don't know how sensitive you all are. I think you should be aware of the dangers you are exposed to on the internet ( horrible comments, cyberbullying, pictures, etc), so that's the main reason why I've decided to play the clip. After watching it, we'll share our opinions on the topic.

The sad news is that she commited suicide 5 weeks after uploading this video.

Please, if you know about somebody being bullied ( at school or anywhere else), take action, don't look away.