Wednesday, 19 December 2012
Our class singalong
Clear your's karaoke time!!!!!!
And now...let's follow the proverb...laughter is the best medicine...
Tuesday, 11 December 2012
Friday, 30 November 2012
Wednesday, 21 November 2012
Cambridge English: Preliminary for Schools Speaking Description
Paper Format: The paper contains four parts.
Timing: 10–12 minutes per pair of candidates.
Task Types: Short exchanges with the interlocutor; a collaborative task involving both candidates; a 1-minute long turn and a follow up discussion. The standard format is two candidates and two examiners. One examiner acts as an interlocutor and manages the interaction by asking questions and setting up the tasks. The other acts as assessor and does not join in the conversation.
Marks: Candidates are assessed on their performance throughout the test. There are a total of 25 marks for Paper 3, making 25% of the total score for the whole examination.
Part 1 - Questioning by interlocutor
Part 2 - Simulated situation
Part 3 - Extended turn
Part 4 - General conversation
And now that we know the different parts...let's have a look at some tests, shall we?
Paper Format: The paper contains four parts.
Timing: 10–12 minutes per pair of candidates.
Task Types: Short exchanges with the interlocutor; a collaborative task involving both candidates; a 1-minute long turn and a follow up discussion. The standard format is two candidates and two examiners. One examiner acts as an interlocutor and manages the interaction by asking questions and setting up the tasks. The other acts as assessor and does not join in the conversation.
Marks: Candidates are assessed on their performance throughout the test. There are a total of 25 marks for Paper 3, making 25% of the total score for the whole examination.
Part 1 - Questioning by interlocutor
Part 2 - Simulated situation
Part 3 - Extended turn
Part 4 - General conversation
And now that we know the different parts...let's have a look at some tests, shall we?
Wednesday, 7 November 2012
Amanda Todd
Every week I show you some videos or pieces of interesting news I've read/seen on the internet. The video you're about to watch is quite shocking. I've been thinking about showing it to you or not, because I don't know how sensitive you all are. I think you should be aware of the dangers you are exposed to on the internet ( horrible comments, cyberbullying, pictures, etc), so that's the main reason why I've decided to play the clip. After watching it, we'll share our opinions on the topic.
The sad news is that she commited suicide 5 weeks after uploading this video.
Please, if you know about somebody being bullied ( at school or anywhere else), take action, don't look away.
Please, if you know about somebody being bullied ( at school or anywhere else), take action, don't look away.
Tuesday, 30 October 2012
You're going to spend 4 boring days at home,no school, awful weather... Since I know you love English...why don't you practice your writing a bit?
Remember when we talk about imaginary things/ hypothesis, we use would + infinitive.
Be original and creative!
1) Imagine you found a secret door in the back of your classroom. Where would that door lead, and would you go inside?
2) Write a short manual about "how to be a good friend".
3) Write a short story that begins with "I can't take it any more! I have to tell you that..."
4) What is the best thing you've learnt about yourself this year?
5) Have you ever seen someone get bullied or picked on at school? How did you feel? Did you react in any way? Why or why not?
6) What would you do if you were your English teacher for a day?
7) Describe yourself in 5 adjectives. Explain why you picked those adjectives.
Wednesday, 24 October 2012
This is art!
Friday, 19 October 2012
Are you brave enough???? Halloween is coming to get you!!!
I'm not sure how much you know about Halloween or should I say "All Hallow's Eve"? Do the quiz and find out...
Tired of being bored? Click on the links below. You'll have fun and learn new things about this tradition.
As I can check each day that your English is improving a lot, I have selected from intermediate to advanced activities for you to do. You know you are the best, don't you???
Unfortunately, the answers to the questions are available for you. I trust you so DON'T YOU DARE CHEAT!!
Unfortunately, the answers to the questions are available for you. I trust you so DON'T YOU DARE CHEAT!!
We'll have the chance to listen to Michael Jackson's Thriller in class ( of course, if you aren't afraid of zombies!)
By the way, I own the DVD he was preparing when he died...
Have a nice rainy weekend
Thursday, 11 October 2012
A kilt is a knee-lenght garment worn by men in Scotland. Although it was common to wear them in the 16th century, nowadays they are used on formal ocassions such as weddings. Have a look at the pictures. What do you think? Like it or hate it?
Tartan ( cuadros escoceses) is usually the pattern used in kilts. It is said that men don't wear any underwear. There is no rule that states a Scotsman should wear nothing under his kilt, but it has become a tradition on his own.
Haggis is a traditional Scottish dish containing the heart,liver and lungs of a sheep.
Deep-fried Mars bars!!Did you know that this dish originated in Scotland?
The Fringe, which is considered to be the world's largest arts festival, takes place in Edinburgh every August for 3 weeks. You can see/enjoy paintings, books, street musicians, films, comedy, magic tricks, music...and much more.
Scottish Gaelic is a Celtic ( celta) language native to Scotland.
Do you like the sounds a bagpipe make? I love them!
Tartan ( cuadros escoceses) is usually the pattern used in kilts. It is said that men don't wear any underwear. There is no rule that states a Scotsman should wear nothing under his kilt, but it has become a tradition on his own.
Haggis is a traditional Scottish dish containing the heart,liver and lungs of a sheep.
Deep-fried Mars bars!!Did you know that this dish originated in Scotland?

Scottish Gaelic is a Celtic ( celta) language native to Scotland.
Do you like the sounds a bagpipe make? I love them!
Saturday, 23 June 2012
My goodbyes
Well, it's been both a hard and long year. You've finished Secondary education and you are starting a more difficult one in less than 3 months. You must study harder and daily. I'm available in case you have doubts, alright?
Thanks for the party yesterday ( I was moved although I didn't show much- too stressed!). It was great to have a "party" with my dear students, the ones I've spent 5 hours a week for the past 9 months. Thanks for the presents too, I wore them last night ( if you didn't notice).
Enjoy the summer, relax , download some podcasts in English and listen to them while sunbathing, please.
Maybe I'll be your teacher again in 2 years-Proyecto Integrado ( just "maybe", 'cos this year I wasn't supposed to teach you English and I did)
I'm writing this being aware that "perhaps" nobody will read it, but I'll continue writing anyway.
Mónica, Erica, Estefanía, Paco y Marí're leaving us! Have a nice time wherever you are and remember you can come and visit us whenever you want, ok? Well, not while in class- at break time :)
Y cómo no!Acabo con una canción del mejor grupo...hope you like it!
Thanks for the party yesterday ( I was moved although I didn't show much- too stressed!). It was great to have a "party" with my dear students, the ones I've spent 5 hours a week for the past 9 months. Thanks for the presents too, I wore them last night ( if you didn't notice).
Enjoy the summer, relax , download some podcasts in English and listen to them while sunbathing, please.
Maybe I'll be your teacher again in 2 years-Proyecto Integrado ( just "maybe", 'cos this year I wasn't supposed to teach you English and I did)
I'm writing this being aware that "perhaps" nobody will read it, but I'll continue writing anyway.
Mónica, Erica, Estefanía, Paco y Marí're leaving us! Have a nice time wherever you are and remember you can come and visit us whenever you want, ok? Well, not while in class- at break time :)
Y cómo no!Acabo con una canción del mejor grupo...hope you like it!
Wednesday, 20 June 2012
Aunque lo comenté en clase esta mañana, lo volverá a decir. En nuestro cole hay una niña pequeña de menos de 1 año y medio que sufre dos enfermedades "raras". Para poder financiar el coste del estudio y su posible tratamiento la familia está recogiendo tapones de plástico ( suavizante, botellas, etc). En el colegio van a vender unas papeletas ( sortean un queso, un jamón y algo más) que tienen de donativo la cantidad de 1 euro.
Me ha llegado un evento de que van a organizar en el Polideportivo un torneo de fútbol el día 29 de junio a las 8 de la tarde. Pondrán una barra con algunas bebidas y tapas. La recaudación irá destinada para Paula.
Wednesday, 16 May 2012
Hi there, vuestros compañeros/as de 4º han participado en un concurso para promocionar una zona de Francia. El premio quiero recordar que era una semana con todos los gastos pagados en esa zona. Tenéis que apoyarlos y votarlos, ok?
It's very easy...debéis registraros aquí
Se llaman 4saisons en caso de que no los encontréis. Cuantas más cuentas registréis, mejor. Help them! They've worked a lot and they're the best so on 5 estrellitas.
Thanks to everybody in the French class and the French teacher too.
Saturday, 12 May 2012
Thursday, 3 May 2012
Saturday, 21 April 2012
Liverpool I miss you!!!!
To know more about this event, click here
Need more reasons to visit Liverpool?
Tuesday, 17 April 2012
Lip dub songs
<iframe width="420" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
<iframe width="420" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Friday, 30 March 2012
Where is my house??
Chicos, meted vuestra dirección y podéis ver la distancia que hay desde vuestra casa al cole. Si le dáis a "street view" , veréis hasta la fachada de vuestra casa.,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.,cf.osb&biw=1366&bih=667&um=1&ie=UTF-8&sa=N&tab=wl
Os recuerdo...4.45 en la puerta del Mercadona.
Os recuerdo...4.45 en la puerta del Mercadona.
Thursday, 29 March 2012
Wednesday, 28 March 2012
Thursday, 8 March 2012
Cómo unirse a Voxopop
Hi there,
Os escribiré este post en español para que entendáis lo que hay que hacer. Como os comenté en clase, debéis uniros al siguiente grupo de clase. Tendréis que elegir una serie de preguntas que yo os haga ( ya os diré la fecha).
Esta actividad es para evaluar el Speaking, así que es obligatoria. Si alguien no tuviese ordenador o micro,os podéis ir a casa de un amigo o al cole, como os dije.
sign up:
escribid nombre ( añadid un número porque supongo que vuestro nombre es común).
Contraseña ( no tiene que ser la misma del mail verdadero)
Repetid contraseña
Escribir mail
Elegid "student"
Elegid Spain
Elegid la foto o el dibujo y dadle a I agree
Después donde pone "Explore" escribís "Spotlight", le pincháis y arriba a la derecha os saldrá "join", le clickáis y ya pertenecéis al grupo!!
LOG OUT para salir.
Una vez registrados cuando volváis a querer entrar...LOG IN, pincháis en la foto y luego en Talkgroup donde aparezca Spotlight ( el nombre de vuestro grupo).
Me temo que para grabar (record) necesitaréis descargaros algo de Java.
Qué lío! Bueno, espero que no os sea muy difícil. Si tuviésemos tiempo, lo podríamos hacer en clase.
Ni qué decir tiene que everybody is welcome to join, although I can't evaluate them, just for practice, right?
Os escribiré este post en español para que entendáis lo que hay que hacer. Como os comenté en clase, debéis uniros al siguiente grupo de clase. Tendréis que elegir una serie de preguntas que yo os haga ( ya os diré la fecha).
Esta actividad es para evaluar el Speaking, así que es obligatoria. Si alguien no tuviese ordenador o micro,os podéis ir a casa de un amigo o al cole, como os dije.
sign up:
escribid nombre ( añadid un número porque supongo que vuestro nombre es común).
Contraseña ( no tiene que ser la misma del mail verdadero)
Repetid contraseña
Escribir mail
Elegid "student"
Elegid Spain
Elegid la foto o el dibujo y dadle a I agree
Después donde pone "Explore" escribís "Spotlight", le pincháis y arriba a la derecha os saldrá "join", le clickáis y ya pertenecéis al grupo!!
LOG OUT para salir.
Una vez registrados cuando volváis a querer entrar...LOG IN, pincháis en la foto y luego en Talkgroup donde aparezca Spotlight ( el nombre de vuestro grupo).
Me temo que para grabar (record) necesitaréis descargaros algo de Java.
Qué lío! Bueno, espero que no os sea muy difícil. Si tuviésemos tiempo, lo podríamos hacer en clase.
Ni qué decir tiene que everybody is welcome to join, although I can't evaluate them, just for practice, right?
Wednesday, 22 February 2012
200th anniversary of Charles Dickens

He spent some time in Broadstairs, where he wrote some novels. Can you see the huge house with the flag? That's Bleak House, where Dickens lived.
Some great stories on the big screen...check it out!
Friday, 17 February 2012
What would you like to be in the future??
Tuesday, 14 February 2012
Thursday, 2 February 2012
Saturday, 28 January 2012
Friday, 20 January 2012
Thursday, 19 January 2012
Get gorgeous in a flash!
I was bored stiff surfing the internet when I bumped into this great blog. It reminded me of my female students who are very concerned about their appearance ( a bit vain, I think that's the word). The girl from the blog will teach you through videos and show you a lot of beautiful,different hairstyles...Some seem very easy. I'll try some someday.
Oh, before's in English (haha,it's like killing two birds with one stone, isn't it?)
If you need a hair straightener you know where you have to go, don't you? ( a bit of free ad there!)
Oh, before's in English (haha,it's like killing two birds with one stone, isn't it?)
If you need a hair straightener you know where you have to go, don't you? ( a bit of free ad there!)
Thursday, 12 January 2012
The Fonejacker
Hey, anybody there???
Watch the following prank calls / videos from an incredible actor. Enjoy!
Watch the following prank calls / videos from an incredible actor. Enjoy!
The Norman Conquest ( 1066)
England suffered many invasions: the Romans, the Vikings, the Anglosaxons...The last one was in 1066. It took place in Hastings, the place where some of you are going with me in April.
I have looked for some videos to show you some History about this country.
The video talks about the new Norman king, William the Conqueror, who built the Tower of London (near the famous London Bridge).

If we happen to visit it, you must know the Tower was a prison where Henry VIII's second wife was beheaded (under his order) among others. It also keeps the Crown Jewels.
You can see the Beefeaters outside...legend has it that they were called like that because they were given "beef" to eat.

The video talks about the new Norman king, William the Conqueror, who built the Tower of London (near the famous London Bridge).

You can see the Beefeaters outside...legend has it that they were called like that because they were given "beef" to eat.

Watch the video about the battle and the other one about the town...Bye!
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